GrainCo is the largest grain trading and marketing business in the North of England and Scotland. We offer a wide range of marketing and grain trading opportunities, from unbiased independent marketing advice to pool marketing and financial support.
GrainCo recognizes the need for a strong commercial marketing organization run on behalf of farmers to balance the activities of multinational organizations.​
​Benefits of marketing with us?​
Reliable spot and forward prices for both wet and dry product
Harvest, short and long pool marketing options
Scottish advanced marketing wheat contracts to manage risk and maximise farm premiums
Independent marketing advice
Minimum price option-based contracts to provide flexibility and guaranteed return to farmers
Finance and prepayment schemes to suit growers cashflow requirements
Sales security, minimising price risk to farmers
End user group marketing to assist farmers in obtaining additional premiums
​OatCo Collective Marketing
OatCo (part of GrainCo) has a special relationship with Quaker, providing a specialised collective marketing (bargaining) services. This allows us to provide a high quality product to a demanding customer at favourable terms, compared to an individal grower or farmer. See here for more information.​